If no feature is specified, lmdiag operates on all features in the license files in your list. Used to specify the display from which the borrow was initiated. By default, debug log output from lmgrd and all vendor daemons started by that lmgrd get written into the same debug file. If multiple servers are specified, automatically shuts down all of them. Additionally, lmgrd restarts vendor if necessary. See "Initiating License Borrowing" for more information on these other ways. License server system status:
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Chapter 6 License Administration Tools
Please note that the licensing libraries used in our programs were upgraded to v Refers lmdisg all vendor daemons. If the checkout fails, lmdiag gives you the reason for the failure. When removing by handle, if licenses are grouped as duplicates, all duplicate licenses are also removed. You must use the following procedure to install and start the service: Toggle on Use Services. Host where license server system is running.
Example The following is an example of lmhostid output: You can then issue the following commands to start, stop, and query the license server assuming the license lmddiag is named license. On Windows platforms, if you must use the Task Manager to kill the FLEXnet Licensing service, be sure to end the lmgrd process first, then all the vendor daemon processes. The lmpath utility introduced in the v7. When shutting down a three-server redundant license server system, there is a one-minute delay before the servers shut down.
On UNIX, do not use kill -9 to shut down license server systems. The lmdiag tool allows you to diagnose problems when you cannot checkout a license.
FLEXnet Licensing administration tools
Make the license manager daemon reread the License File and start any new vendor daemons. Note The effect of lmswitchr continues only until the vendor daemon is shut down or its options file is reread via lmreread. If an Abaqus process terminates abnormally, it may not return license tokens to the license pool even though the tokens are no longer needed. You can protect the unauthorized execution of lmdown when you start up the license manager daemon lmgrd.
Display the status of all network licensing activities. Consider this example lmstat -a output:. Name of the user whose license you are removing, as reported by lmstat -a. If feature is not specified, usage information for all features is displayed. If the optional vendor daemon name is specified, only the named daemon rereads the license file and its end-user options file in this case, lmgrd does not reread the license file.

To finish entering, type q on a line by itself or enter two blank lines. Start Server at Power Up becomes available. You can protect the unauthorized execution of lmremove when you start up the license server manager, lmgrd, because removing a user's license is disruptive. Don't prompt or print a header.
It is most useful for checking current license path settings for diagnostic purposes. To stop the license server: Queued users and licenses shared due to duplicate grouping are also not returned by lmstat.
Initiating borrowing by setting the borrow period. You can protect the unauthorized execution of lmdown when you start up the license server manager, lmgrd. By default, debug log output lmddiag lmgrd and all vendor daemons started by that lmgrd get written into the same debug file.

You l,diag protect the unauthorized execution of lmreread when you start up the license server manager, lmgrd. From the main menu bar, select File Exit to close the dialog box.
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